Randomization Scripts

Important Update to Custom Scripting

SurveyGizmo's CustomScript Action now supports the LUA programming language. Visit our NEW Lua Scripting Resources!

Legacy Custom Scripting Language Deprecation Plans 

  1. New accounts (created after October 29, 2018) will only have the option to use Lua in scripts.
  2. As of October 29, 2018 Custom Scripting Actions will default to Lua as the scripting type in the Custom Scripting Action for accounts created before this date. You will be able to switch to the Legacy Custom Scripting; though we highly encourage using Lua.
  3. In the long term, Legacy Custom Scripting Actions will be switched to read-only. The exact date on this is to be determined; we will send notifications well ahead of time.


Show a Number of Randomly Selected Pages from a Survey
As part of our core randomization options you have the ability to display X number of random questions on the page. Unfortunately, there is not a built-in way to do the same with pages in a survey. Never fear! We'll cover the steps to use a pretty s...
Record Page Title of Randomized Pages
Randomization is a very popular survey tool for eliminating bias introduced by order and/or survey fatigue. Within SurveyGizmo you can randomize questions, pages (or pages in groups) or even answer options! We have a merge code [page("pagepath")] ...
Show a Number of Randomly Selected Rows from a Grid
As part of our core randomization options you have the ability to randomize columns and randomize row order in a grid question. Unfortunately, there is not a built-in way to only randomly show a subset of the rows in your grid question. Never fear! ...