Quotas & Disqualification Scripts

Important Update to Custom Scripting

SurveyGizmo's CustomScript Action now supports the LUA programming language. Visit our NEW Lua Scripting Resources!

Legacy Custom Scripting Language Deprecation Plans 

  1. New accounts (created after October 29, 2018) will only have the option to use Lua in scripts.
  2. As of October 29, 2018 Custom Scripting Actions will default to Lua as the scripting type in the Custom Scripting Action for accounts created before this date. You will be able to switch to the Legacy Custom Scripting; though we highly encourage using Lua.
  3. In the long term, Legacy Custom Scripting Actions will be switched to read-only. The exact date on this is to be determined; we will send notifications well ahead of time.


Disqualify Based on Previously Collected Data
Looking for a way to disqualify a respondent based on an email address or customer ID# that has already been entered in your survey? Not a problem! This script will check your survey's database for a particular question to see if the same data has b...
Record Reason for Disqualification
When using disqualification in a survey often there is more than one point at which a response can be disqualified. Unfortunately, there is not a way, within our core application, to easily evaluate how frequently each disqualification point is reac...